Home Juicing Articles Seven Green Vegetables That Deliver The Most Juice

Seven Green Vegetables That Deliver The Most Juice

by Juicing Wizard

When it comes to choosing the right green vegetables for your juice blends, the options can be a bit overwhelming. While it’s not necessarily a bad thing (because who doesn’t like having options?), it does make it harder to find the greens with the best juice yield for the cost. So, rather than compromise your budget or your health, try these options to get the most green (juice) for your green.


Cucumbers are 96% water, so they yield lots of very hydrating juice and make a great base for vegetable juice blends. They also contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called fisetin that supports brain health, along with key polyphenols called lignans that protect against cancer.

Cucumbers are rich in phytonutrients called cucurbitacins, which according to the George Mateljan Foundation can block certain pathways that are needed for cancer development. The numerous antioxidants, including vitamin C and beta-carotene help protect against free radical damage and boost immunity.


Broccoli is 91% water and is high in vitamins A, K and C. It’s a member of the cruciferous family, along with other greens that have sulfur compounds that studies show to hold a lot of promise in preventing cancer. Broccoli is also rich in key nutrients, including carotenoids, such as lutein, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin along with folate and minerals. 

Romaine lettuce

Romaine might be your go-to veggie for salads, but it actually brings a surprisingly large amount of juice. This is because Romaine lettuce is 95% water, according to WebMD.com. A higher water composition means a higher juice yield, both for centrifugal juicers and masticating juicers.

However, Romaine lettuce doesn’t carry as many nutrients and vitamins as other types of greens. As such, it can make for an affordable base ingredient if you sprinkle in some of the other vegetables on this list, or even some fruits.


Spinach is one of the best juicing greens for its health benefits, as it offers high levels of Vitamins A, C and K along with a major dose of iron, which is vital for production of hemoglobin. The juice output for a single bunch of spinach is very high, though a bunch of spinach is sometimes larger than bunches of other leafy greens.

Find out how many cups you can get in a bunch at your local grocery store to determine the final price to juice yield ratio. Though many stores also sell bags of prewashed spinach, sometimes with other greens thrown in as a “juicing blend” mix, they typically come at a higher price.


This green also features a high percentage of water in its composition, approximately 93%, which gives it a high juice yield. Don’t let its light color fool you into thinking its only good for filler, because cabbage actually carries a noticeable quantity of fiber and other compounds that help promote a healthy digestive system as well as lower your cholesterol levels. Cabbage also includes noticeable levels of sinigrin that is linked to fighting cancer.


Celery also boasts a water composition level over 90%, and blends great with many fruits and vegetables. In terms of health benefits, celery is rich in Vitamins C and K as well as potassium.

The highest concentration of potassium is present in leafy tops, so make sure to include them for an extra health boost as well as a tiny volume boost. Buy a complete bunch of celery rather than pre-cut stalks, as this helps lower the price and includes the potassium-rich leaves that you can throw straight into your juicer.


It’s no secret that kale is one of the healthiest vegetables out there, as it is packed with vitamins, nutrients and minerals essential for a strong body. It does have a slightly lower juice yield compared to other greens, partially because it has a lower water composition. Even so, kale still produces approximately 1 cup of juice per 1 pound of kale.

The output is exceedingly rich in antioxidants and other healthful compounds, making the output extremely effective. Different types of kale, such as dinosaur or curly kale, may result in slightly different outputs and carry different tastes, so feel free to experiment to find the type that works best for you.

Bottom Line

When it comes to juice output, consider the total unit price of the vegetable as well as its overall health value to find the best value. Remember, many vegetables can produce a lot of juice that doesn’t have a very strong benefit to your health. Also, experiment with different varieties to see what juices suit you best, because in the end you’re much more likely to drink a juice if you actually like the taste.

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